2018 SpitFire
FRC team 225, TechFire, is proud to present our 2018 robot, SpitFire. The robot picks up cubes and places them in switch or scale as well as the exchange for vault scoring. SpitFire can also climb on rung during endgame.
- 2x6" roughtop wheels and 4x6" omni wheels powered by 6 Mini-CIMs through 2 ball shifting gearboxes (2 speeds, approximately 6 and 17 ft/s) w/ greyhill encoders
- Ballistic Nylon-coated bumpers with custom embroidered numbers and a quick bumper change process
- Motion profiling for driving during the autonomous mode using encoders
- Gyro for turning PID
- Welded for rigidity
- Andymark COTS 3 stage elevator powered by 2 Mini-CIMs through ball shifting gearbox (2 speeds, approx 4 and 14 ft/s) w/ greyhill encoder
- Uses Limit Switch at bottom of elevator to reset greyhill encoder
- Powered by custom mounted 245:1 planetary gearbox using bag motor
- Control using versa planetary encoder using H-Tangent code and limit switch to reset to 0 when at floor
- Uses 2 bag motors through 4:1 Versa planetary controlled by Talon SRX's and magnetic encoders
- Intake made of Carbon Fiber
- Can acquire cube from and position
- Can release cube by opening intake or can eject with wheels
- Uses hooks on elevator to climb on rung
- Can climb from side of rung so another robot can climb from front
- 3 cube scale on same side from left or right starting position
- 2 cube scale on opposite side from left or right starting position
- 3 cube switch on same side from left or right starting position
- 3 cube switch on left or right from center starting position
- 1 cube switch 1 cube opposite from left or right starting position
- 1 cube switch 1 cube scale on either side from center starting position
- 336 district points -- 2nd in MAR, #1 in MAR district points for all time (since 2012)
- Winner: Springside-Chestnut Hill, Montgomery, FMA Championship, Midknight Mayhem, Battle 'O' Baltimore, Brunswick Eruption
- Finalist: Greater DC District Event, IRI, Ramp Riot
- #1 Seed: Greater DC, Montgomery, Carson Division at the FIRST World Championship, Battle 'O' Baltimore, Duel on the Delaware, Ramp Riot
- #1 Pick: MAR District Championships, MidKnight Mayhem, Brunswick Eruption
2X Industrial Design Award Presented by General Motors
1X Innovation in Controls Presented by Rockwell Automation
- 2x6" roughtop wheels and 4x6" omni wheels powered by 6 Mini-CIMs through 2 ball shifting gearboxes (2 speeds, approximately 6 and 17 ft/s) w/ greyhill encoders
- Ballistic Nylon-coated bumpers with custom embroidered numbers and a quick bumper change process
- Motion profiling for driving during the autonomous mode using encoders
- Gyro for turning PID
- Welded for rigidity
- Andymark COTS 3 stage elevator powered by 2 Mini-CIMs through ball shifting gearbox (2 speeds, approx 4 and 14 ft/s) w/ greyhill encoder
- Uses Limit Switch at bottom of elevator to reset greyhill encoder
- Powered by custom mounted 245:1 planetary gearbox using bag motor
- Control using versa planetary encoder using H-Tangent code and limit switch to reset to 0 when at floor
- Uses 2 bag motors through 4:1 Versa planetary controlled by Talon SRX's and magnetic encoders
- Intake made of Carbon Fiber
- Can acquire cube from and position
- Can release cube by opening intake or can eject with wheels
- Uses hooks on elevator to climb on rung
- Can climb from side of rung so another robot can climb from front
- 3 cube scale on same side from left or right starting position
- 2 cube scale on opposite side from left or right starting position
- 3 cube switch on same side from left or right starting position
- 3 cube switch on left or right from center starting position
- 1 cube switch 1 cube opposite from left or right starting position
- 1 cube switch 1 cube scale on either side from center starting position
- 336 district points -- 2nd in MAR, #1 in MAR district points for all time (since 2012)
- Winner: Springside-Chestnut Hill, Montgomery, FMA Championship, Midknight Mayhem, Battle 'O' Baltimore, Brunswick Eruption
- Finalist: Greater DC District Event, IRI, Ramp Riot
- #1 Seed: Greater DC, Montgomery, Carson Division at the FIRST World Championship, Battle 'O' Baltimore, Duel on the Delaware, Ramp Riot
- #1 Pick: MAR District Championships, MidKnight Mayhem, Brunswick Eruption
2X Industrial Design Award Presented by General Motors
1X Innovation in Controls Presented by Rockwell Automation